The seven year itch begins today. In an attempt to ward it off and remind us that we are a family, I'm enforcing a mutual dinner on everyone this evening. If you've read other posts on this blog, you'll know I often cook three different dinners each night. About the only time hubs and I eat the same thing is on a Sunday when we have Chicken Tikka and Naan (a winning combination of recipes discovered whilst writing this blog) or when he persuades me to let him have takeaway.

I said before we came on holiday that we'd eat as a family every night. So far we've had two dinners, both of which have just been me and hubs due to Miss A having her daily pattern disrupted and being too fractious at dinnertime to sit and eat with the grown ups. So tonight, we will all be trying this recipe. I'd pre-written this post as a placeholder in case we had no internet. We have a sketchy signal so I've taken the opportunity to update the pre-written blog and will hopefully post the verdict on Monday evening. Unless of course hubs has secretly arranged to whisk me off somewhere fancy for dinner. Like the North Berwick Fish Bar if I'm really lucky...
The recipe I'm planning on making can be found
Updated 20th June 2012 @ 07:55
Quick update. Everyone ate it and everyone loved it. It actually didn't taste that much different to my normal recipe but it had a lot less sauce and I preferred it that way. Normally my sauce is made from a mix of pre made tomato and basil pasta sauce, some pesto and tin of chopped tomatoes and some caramelised onions.
The only downside was that there wasn't much sausage. I used half the pasta as I was only cooking for three and the four stated sausages which was about right for two adults. If the lack of sausages in the stated meal for four is due to cost then I'd question the use of wine and fresh basil in the recipe at the expense of a filling meal. But then I'm probably just greedy! Definitely a make again for the family once the post holiday diet is over.
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